Privacy Policy

Information We Collect And How We Use It

We are responsible for the processing of your personal data and the compatibility of this processing with current legislation. In order to do this, we respect the provisions in force at the present time with regard to data protection.

Any individual information concerning the personal and material situation of an identified or identifiable physical person constitutes “personal data”. This means that these are details which could be linked to you personally and could supply information about you. The current provisions regarding data protection also use the term “your data” for this. The term “processing” refers to any manipulation of your data, in particular the collection, recording, management, use, transmission, disclosure or deletion of your data.

Please note that the following particulars can be changed at any time. We therefore recommend that you regularly consult the present confidentiality declaration. Third-party websites which are accessible via our portal are not subject to the principles declared here. We decline any responsibility regarding the respect of data protection by third-party websites.

You will find below information concerning the nature of the personal data belonging to you which we collect and record when you visit our websites, the manner in which we use this data and the persons to whom we can transmit it, where appropriate. You will moreover find information regarding the rights you have against us relating to the use of your data:

Scope and purpose of the processing of personal data

When utilizing our digital services without furnishing additional cues, the web server technology we employ automatically compiles general technical navigation data, which is stored in files known as logs. This information encompasses various aspects, including the IP address of the device used during the visit, details pertaining to the browser type, internet service provider, and operating system utilized. Furthermore, it encompasses the visited sections of our digital services, the landing and exit pages, as well as the date and duration of the visit, among other elements. The purpose underlying the collection and processing of this data encompasses enabling the utilization of our internet platforms (establishing connections), reinforcing the security and stability of our systems and services, analyzing the usage patterns of our offerings and services, aggregating general demographic insights, optimizing our online services (specifically, though not exclusively, enhancing products, refining marketing endeavors, tailoring advertisements, etc.), and generating in-house statistics.

At this juncture, the user remains anonymous. Likewise, as a fundamental principle, no direct correlation is established between this automatically gathered information and the personal data stored in our records. It is important to note, however, that an exception to this core principle may arise if you possess a registered user account on any of our websites. More comprehensive information regarding the processing of personal data pertaining to registered users is presented below.

To access personalized services, protected areas, or facilitate order processing and account management, registration and the establishment of a user account may be required. Consequently, it is imperative to provide certain personal information. Examples of such data include:

– Your email address, which may also function as your username.
– A password, along with other pertinent details as dictated by the context and service, such as:
– Your first and last name.
– Your complete postal address, including postal code and location.
– Your telephone number.
– Preferences regarding subscription newsletters and other promotional materials.
– Your preferred language.

In addition to the data designated as mandatory for the utilization of specific digital services, you retain the option to furnish and record supplementary personal information. We employ this information to deliver and manage our digital services, verify the supplied details, structure content, execute and adjust contractual agreements related to your user account, and conduct diligent invoicing for sales, as appropriate.

Should you choose to share contributions such as comments, photos, videos, etc., via the relevant functions of our online platforms for interaction with other users, please be aware that such content might be made accessible to the public. This extends to your chosen user name or pseudonym if applicable. It is important to note that data published by you could potentially be viewed by third parties once it appears on the internet, even if efforts for deletion or anonymization have been pursued. By confirming the entry and transfer of data pertaining to your user account during the registration process, you affirm the accuracy of the provided information.

We gather information for statistical purposes to ensure the seamless functioning of the platform and to analyze, enhance, and tailor the utilization of our services and offerings. Consequently, we amass data concerning your engagement with our digital services, focusing on the specific features you employ, the advertisements you interact with, and the manner in which you engage with them. Additional details about the processing of this personal data can be found within this document. Upon becoming a registered user of our portal, statistical data becomes accessible to fellow registered users and is subject to capture and assessment by us.

When making a purchase of a product or a paid service through our website, certain information such as your first and last name, complete postal address including postcode and location, and potentially other pertinent details are required. This necessity arises to facilitate the fulfillment of the contractual agreement established between you and us. Should you opt for the acquisition of a product or paid service with online payment methods such as credit card or PayPal, the actual payment process is conducted through the relevant payment system provider. Consequently, the handling of personal data and payment is directly managed by the respective payment system provider. It is important to clarify that we neither possess nor retain any of your payment-related data. Additionally, the data protection regulations of each individual payment system provider’s online platform hold sway in such scenarios.

If you hold a registered user account, we have the capability to store your data for future purchases or contractual engagements. Irrespective of account status, we maintain a comprehensive record of all details concerning your current and previous purchases and contracts. This encompasses information about the acquired products, services, quantities, and corresponding payment amounts. We are granted the authority to utilize this information for both marketing initiatives and analytical purposes. A more comprehensive overview of the intentions behind marketing and analysis can be found in the subsequent sections.

We may employ your personal information for the purpose of tailored advertising. This includes personalizing email advertisements, encompassing emails containing general or promotional content (such as newsletters), and utilizing instant messaging services, as well as delivering customized content and advertisements on our websites. In pursuit of this objective, we may automatically analyze behavioral data gathered during your interaction with our portals, aiming to ensure the delivery of relevant advertising while minimizing the display of inappropriate content.

Upon creating a user account, you are automatically subscribed to receive our newsletter, and your email address may also be used for our internal advertising endeavors until such time as you choose to unsubscribe from the specific newsletter. A link enabling you to unsubscribe can be found at the bottom of every email we send. Alternatively, you can also opt out by sending an email to us. This option remains available for your use at any point. Furthermore, we retain the right to engage third-party entities for the technical execution of advertising campaigns and our in-house promotional activities, which may involve the sharing of your data for these purposes.

Cellarette is committed to an ongoing enhancement of the provided digital services, ensuring their optimal configuration based on requirements. To achieve this objective, diverse analytical tools may be employed, facilitating the correlation of user-specific data, both past and future, which we possess. This data is subjected to analysis, aggregation, pseudonymization, and anonymization to comprehend user interactions across our services. In the pursuit of maintaining an up-to-date database, we may leverage publicly available data or information from third-party service providers. The insights derived from your utilization of our services could contribute to the evaluation of user behavior, involving collaboration with other participating companies. Notably, this data processing predominantly relies on pseudonymized or anonymized data. Its primary aim encompasses the presentation of anonymized advertising on our websites and the augmentation of website security.

Cookies play a pivotal role in enhancing the organization of your website visit, rendering it more convenient, enjoyable, and pertinent. Cookies are files comprising data that your internet browser automatically stores on your computer’s hard drive when you navigate our website.

It’s important to note that cookies do not harm your computer’s hard drive, and they do not involve the transmission of users’ personal data. For instance, cookies enable us to identify visitors to our portal, providing insights into the frequency of page or service usage, highlighting particularly popular sections of the website, and shedding light on usage patterns. Additional cookies are employed to facilitate seamless navigation and utilization of website functions, including access to secure areas. Such cookies also enable us to incorporate the preferences and decisions you’ve made as parameters, contributing to an enhanced and enjoyable website experience. In a broader sense, cookies are harnessed to amplify the quality, efficiency, and security of our services. Moreover, cookies enable the collection of information to propose advertisements that align with your interests. Importantly, the majority of internet browsers automatically accept cookies.